all postcodes in CM12 / BILLERICAY

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM12 9AA 1 51.622861 0.416691
CM12 9AB 13 51.623103 0.41601
CM12 9AH 15 51.623965 0.415897
CM12 9AJ 13 51.624828 0.416549
CM12 9AP 8 51.624795 0.416202
CM12 9AQ 2 51.626922 0.417283
CM12 9AS 15 51.625574 0.417254
CM12 9AT 1 51.625442 0.417103
CM12 9AU 1 51.625961 0.417651
CM12 9AX 15 51.626403 0.418064
CM12 9AZ 1 51.626839 0.41829
CM12 9BA 9 51.627235 0.418687
CM12 9BD 1 51.625123 0.416869
CM12 9BE 4 51.627825 0.418848
CM12 9BG 1 51.628027 0.419509
CM12 9BQ 22 51.626979 0.419077
CM12 9BS 15 51.625429 0.417925
CM12 9BT 17 51.624689 0.417163
CM12 9BU 1 51.62419 0.415014
CM12 9BX 2 51.624533 0.417747